Biological laboratory. Does latent or dormant plague exist where the disease is endemic, Maximilian Herzog and Charles B. Hare. II. Serum laboratory. Broncho-pneumonia of cattle its association with B. bovisepticus, by Paul G. Woolley and Walter Sorrell. III. Report on pinto (pano blanco) by Paul G. Woolley. IV. Chemical laboratory. Notes on analysis of the water from the Manila water supply, by Charles L. Bliss. V. Serum laboratory. Framboesia

Bibliographic Details
Corporate Authors: Philippines. Bureau of Government Laboratories, Sorrell, Walter, Woolley, Paul G.
Other Authors: Bliss, Charles L., Hare Charles B., Herzog, Maximilian
Format: Book
Published: s.l. s.n. 19--.
Series:Philippines. bureau of Government Laboratory. [Publications] no. 20, October, 1904.